Key Accomplishments
- Maintained one of the lowest tax rates in Somerset County by advocating for line-item budget review, cost reductions and improved efficiencies. This work has resulted in only a 1.59% year-over-year increase in taxes in 2023, far below the rate of inflation and in keeping with Bedminster's proud tradition of low taxes.
- Addressed the issue of persistent power outages throughout the Hills and Bedminster Township by forming a citizens working group and holding JCP&L accountable. In addition to service and infrastructure improvements, Colin was able to secure JCP&L's commitment to maintain the electric service laterals, saving each homeowners association tens of thousands of dollars.
- Spearheaded the effort to have Altice bring fiber optic connectivity to each development in the Hills. This will result not only in vastly improved service, but also directly improves home values.
- Championed the fight against New Jersey American Water's proposed rate increases, which would have impacted the average family by approximately $100 per year. Bedminster led the way in hiring legal and economic experts, and partnered with surrounding towns to share the expense...and won! Read more here.
- Increased transparency and improved communications with residents by introducing key IT infrastructure upgrades, including:
- A redesigned web platform and interface for the township website, www.bedminster.us.
- A new online construction permitting and inspection platform in concert with SDL.
- Online meetings available in real-time and recorded via Zoom.
- A new alerting system for up-to-the minute updates, Bedminster Alert.
- An online payment system for local property and sewer taxes.
- Promoted direct engagement with residents through Facebook, NextDoor and other social media platforms.
- Created and manned the Bedminster Pop-Up Food Pantry, which for 10 weeks provided food and other necessities to over 650 families in the midst of the pandemic.
- Reduced costs by partnering with the NJ Clean Energy Direct Install program to install highly efficient LED lighting throughout the municipal complex, resulting in substantial savings.
- Addressed residents' concerns over engine braking by having temporary signage installed on Route 206.
- Shepherded the environmental initiative to make improvements along the Lamington River in partnership with local groups and outside contractors, resulting in the ecological restoration of over 10,700 feet of the Lamington River.
- Co-authored the 2018 Bedminster Master Plan Review Committee Report, providing a 10-year refresh as input into the Bedminster Master Plan Reexamination.
- Member of the Bedminster Planning Board, Farmers Market Committee, Agricultural Advisory Committee and Clarence Dillon Public Library Board of Trustees. Principal Township Committee liaison to the Public Utilities Committee, Board of Health, Board of Education, Technology Committee and Community Development Block Grant Program. Former Chairman, Bedminster Environmental Commission.
- And yes, I'm the guy running around every Saturday morning trying to direct traffic and park cars at the Farmers Market. If you've read down this far, you have my sincerest appreciation and gratitude!