LETTER: Bedminster leaders 'about actions and solutions'
TO THE EDITOR: Far too much that passes for political discourse today seems to be finger pointing, blame and gridlock.
In Bedminster, we are fortunate our local leaders are about actions and solutions.
Colin Hickey and the Bedminster Township Committee have been making local government work for the taxpayers of our township. During the pandemic, Colin created a food pantry that served more than 600 families suddenly out of a paycheck and created an environment of sharing in an uncertain time.
He struck a deal with the local cable provider in The Hills to install high-speed internet at no extra cost in the coming year. This will allow better connectivity and enable more to work from home if they choose.
The electrical grid in The Hills has shown its age and vulnerability over the years with far too many interruptions in service. Hickey and the committee brought the utility before the governing body to look for solutions and upgrades.
Colin read the fine print on the governing agreements and determined the costs of the needed infrastructure upgrades should be paid for by the utility rather than the homeowners associations and residents.
With inflation eating away at our buying power thanks to policies foisted on us from Trenton and Washington, Colin and the committee continue to spend your tax dollars wisely. They kept your property tax increase below 1.6 percent - well below the rate of inflation and continue with the lowest taxes in Somerset County.
Talk is cheap, actions speak much louder. Colin Hickey and the committee continue to make local government work for you.
Please join me and cast your vote for Colin Hickey for Bedminster Township Committee.
You can vote in person on Nov. 7, put your mail-in ballot in the drop box at the Bedminster Town Hall or take advantage of early voting starting Oct. 28. Just don’t forget to vote!
Airport Road
Bedminster Township
Editor's note: The writer is a former Bedminster Mayor and committeeman. This Letter to the Editor originally appeared in The Bernardsville News.